Tuesday, November 28, 2017


looking around after you move in

Moving into a house from an apartment for the first time is one of the most exciting, yet stressful experiences in someone’s life. For those who have never lived in a home before, the idea of owning one can seem difficult and strange. Fortunately, many of us have blazed this trail already, and can provide insight on turning a house into a home. Since we at Oz Moving & Storage have helped move so many before us make their big move into their first house, we hope that we can make this process easier for you with these nuggets of advice:


The sensation that comes over a new homeowner after the joy secedes may be a bit of shock. All who have lived in one should know that “apartments” are usually smaller than “houses”, but many might not realize the gulf in functional space. A would-be interior decorator may feel that a “minimalist” vibe is a worthy aim, and that this space serves a purpose in establishing an aura in the home. For most others, though, the empty space of the home will dispel a feeling of emptiness, a void that needs to be filled by decoration, whether it furniture or just “stuff.” 
A new home is a huge opportunity for creativity, especially when one considers this additional space. Think of it as a canvas; an opportunity for artistry and creativity. Take the floor-plans and dream a little bit. The dregs of packing takes up a bit of time in the preparation phase of moving into a new house, but there will be time where the (more fun) hypothetical interior decorating can be done. Explore our new homeowner/mover discounts to get started with your ideas!


There are several additional costs a homeowner can over an apartment renter or owner. Certain expenses like heat, electricity, gas, etc. can become more expensive, but additional costs arise as well. Yard Work becomes a big factor, with a garden needing to maintained with various tools and products that have to be bought regularly. Tools are needed to clear windows, gutters, and other elements on and adjacent to the house’s exterior.As our sales VP Nimrod Sheinberg says, “There are many costs that you don’t even think about, mainly in everything around the living space; the roof, the yard, taking care of the driveway, heating, cooling, water heater, etc.”
New tasks to keep you busy come along with these costs, too. Maintaining a home takes even more time and energy than maintaining an apartment. The time really adds up if any work needs to be done on the house, like painting, renovating, or even simple things that can build-up like changing the locks. You can get this time back if you hire professionals to handle these tasks for you - but then the bills pile even higher. 
 bucket of house cleaning materials

Keep a Maintenance Schedule

Houses, as a general rule, have much more to take care of within than apartments. Without structure, and reminders that these tasks can be completed, a lot can fall between the cracks. Set a cleaning schedule for your whole house. Remember to clean commonly used rooms frequently (scrub down the bathroom and vacuum in the living room at least once a week, for example.) Less commonly used or thought about areas need regular attention also (vents and light fixtures could use a dust-off about every month or so. For a full guide on how often to clean everything in your house, check out this guide from Good Housekeeping.
Other tasks in your home will require attention, also. Your smoke detector’s batteries should be checked regularly. The lawn needs to be mowed and watered. The roof should be checked for leakage every three months, or so. Depending on the unique parts of your own home, what work it regularly requires may vary. Having a good idea of what needs checking and how often it needs you to do something makes sleeping at night (in your new larger bed!) much easier.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Best Places to Live: Guide to Great Neighborhoods:

You don't just move to a new city now – you move to a neighborhood. Every urban area is composed of cities, suburbs, and even neighborhoods. The differences between them all, within even 10 miles, can be vast. Don't leave it to chance to find your next, great neighborhood. Moving.com's guide will take you to four neighborhoods in each of 20 cities so you can find out what makes them great. Click on a city on the map and learn more about the best places to live there.

Neighborhood Finder – Find the Best Place to Live

Our neighborhood finder tool is easy to use and delivers insight into the history and culture of 20 different U.S. cities and their neighborhoods. Just scroll across the map to each city and click the dot next to its name. You'll be able to read more about each city and then read about the specifics of its neighborhoods such as cost of living, accompanying school districts, entertainment in town, and transportation.

Explore More Neighborhoods

Want to discover more great neighborhoods? REALTOR.com®'s Find a Neighborhood tool lets you learn about any neighborhood in the country.
  • Search by zip code
  • Learn about history and demographics
  • View current real-estate listings

More Moving Guides

We know that looking at neighborhoods is just one step in finding the perfect place to call your new home. Check out our other guides and tools to get more insight into cities and neighborhoods across the country. Research economic and demographic profiles of cities and their respective states with our city profiles and compare cities tools, and discover the top public and private schools in the nation through our school ratings reports.

Friday, November 10, 2017

5 Moving Tips That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier:

Moving to another city, state or country is always challenging and stressful. However, we live in times when mobility is one of the greatest virtues a human being may have. So, if you want to be successful in life you better learn to cope with this ordeal, for you are going to deal with it at least from time to time, otherwise you will miss out on a lot of opportunities.
This article gives you some useful tips on how to deal with moving without going mad in the process.

1. Packing

First of all, you have to pack your belongings. But even before that you should look carefully at each thing you have in your household and ask yourself: do I really need it? When was the last time I actually used it? If it’s been more than a month it is probably time to say goodbye to it: carry out a garage sale or simply give the unnecessary things to those who need them.
Start collecting boxes in advance: plenty may be found at stores, at your place of work,or simply by asking around. Begin packing with non-essentials, things you don’t need every day. Don’t forget to label every box: what is inside, what is fragile and should be handled with care. Use clothes, pillows and suchlike to keep breakables from damage.

2. Drawing up a Plan

Be sure to draw up a careful plan of what and when you are going to do prior to moving. Plan your last trip for groceries to be two weeks before moving, so that you don’t have to empty your fridge in a hurry. If you have some things that you want to get rid of but which are too valuable to be given away or sold at a garage sale, start selling them via eBay, Etsy or Craigslist at least a couple of months prior to moving. About two weeks before moving you should change your address for utilities, credit cards, Amazon and suchlike. In other words, plan ahead so that there is nothing to surprise you.

3. Tips about Logistics

It isn’t enough to pack things; you should do it in a way that allows you to easily find what you need afterwards. In addition to simply labeling your boxes, try color-coding them – for example, everything belonging to the bathroom has orange labels on it. If you have any containers (baskets, suitcases, laundry bins, etc.), use them before you go out looking for boxes. Use vacuum sealing to minimize the space taken by clothes. All in all, you should do everything to make sure your things take as little space as possible.

4. Using Moving Companies

Moving companies may be of great help, especially in state to state moving. It saves you a lot of trouble, because the company takes it upon itself to organize everything, and if you have a lot of things to take with you it may be very difficult to do on your own. But even if you move to another flat within the same city it may be worth a try – professional movers are much better at dealing with breakables than your friends.

5. Preparing the New Flat

Try to visit your new flat a couple of days before you are going to move in to pre-clean bathroom and kitchen. It is also a good idea to stock them up with all the essentials: clean towels, shower curtains, toilet paper, and some basic food. After a long and arduous day of moving you will be dying for a hot shower, so it is better to be prepared.
Moving to a new place really can be a refreshing, energizing experience – if you approach it correctly. Think over and organize the whole thing carefully and it won’t be long till your housewarming party!